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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Guitar Description

Guitar, the instrument, is a major part of Nevahs musical roots. Most of the players in Nevah started their musical journey on the guitar. Currently Jack, Larry, Phil, Hal, Richard and Ed are all accomplish players on Guitar and other instruments. Below is a definition of a guitar and other neat facts about the instrument we all grew up loving.

Nevah uses a wide variety of acoustic guitars manufactured by Martin, Guild, Taylor, Yamaha and other well and not so well known brands. One of our players prefers off name brands of guitars he finds that, "just sound good to me." Which makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

There are numerous instruments on the market that are part of the guitar family such as, Ukeleles, Pedal Steel Guitars that don't look anything like a guitar, Dobro's, Bantars, a Banjo with 6 strings - favored by guitar players who want a banjo sound but don't necessarily have the time to learn all of the banjo licks, Hawaiian guitars, Electric guitars, Six and Twelve string guitars, etc.

And, guitars are made from all sorts of materials, not just wood. You can find them constructed from plastic, metal, composites and combinations thereof. They also come in every size and shape imaginable including solid and hollow body configurations. Electric guitars and bass's are a whole other category for another blog at another time.

Nevah invites all fans and readers to take the opportunity to learn this wonderful instrument. Nevah wishes you to have all the pleasure that we have experienced over the years with the joy of playing guitar.

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