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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Smilling with Edward Russell of Nevah Band

As we, the Nevah men, continue to grow as a musical force it is apparent that something special is going on. Each performance brings new challenges in volume and technique and the players all step up to the performance needs. It has become apparent that one element is standing out, Nevahs' ability to laugh, which is brought out on stage and in rehearsals by all members, though it usual starts with Edward Russell, an extraordinary man who plays flute, sax, penny whistle, and other assorted whistles and percussion instruments. He is also one of the songwriters and singers in the band.

Ed makes us smile
Eds humor makes the music flow through the night with his unexpected lyrical changes, his facial expressions and witty comments that keep the audience laughing and wondering. Edward Russell is one of the keys that makes Nevah, a Maine band, a magical experience.

 Ed gaining inspiration


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