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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pickin' For the Vets

A big howdy to all of you out there in the blogosphere.  Today's the day the Nevah Band gets to perform for the Veterans down at the Vet's Home in Bangor.  For the band this is the 10th anniversary (correct me if I'm wrong guys) of the Vet's gig, and we're awfully proud to do it.  It is our little way of saying thank you to the men and women who served our country.  And even better, most of 'em seem to enjoy it.  There is also a nice staff at the facility of caring individuals - we always have a great time playing there.

Nevah to Play at Bangor Maine's Veterans Home

What will we start off with?  Well I don't control that, I just play when I'm told to, but I have a suspicion it will be that number originally performed by the Fab Four (no not the judges on American Idol!) that has been transmogrified and nevah-ized by us, which we incorrectly (or maybe I should say correctly!) call "I've Jest Seen Her Face".  What will the boys be wearing?  Matching pant suits like those worn by the Partridge Family?  Or perhaps the more flowery and funky outfits similar to those worn by the Jackson 5 (I have heard rumor that Hal has a pair of platform shoes from the days when he used to hang with John Travolta at Studio 55). To get the real scoop and find out how the gig went, stay tuned!

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