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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mandolin Description

Nevah has one of the most accomplished mandolin players in the state of Maine performing with them, Mr Richard Silver. Richard brings the licks and rhythmic chops of the mandolin which help to form Nevah's unique prograssabily sound. We felt it may be helpful to describe what a Mandolin is along with some of its characteristics to help all appreciate Richards expertise.

The mandolin is born of the Lute Family, from Italian descent, and is played, for the most part, with a plectrum or "pick" by either striking individual strings or strumming across groups of strings while the fingers hold chord positions up and down the neck. The modern mandolin has eight strings grouped as pairs which give it the vibrant tone and allow lead melodies to ring out crisply and clearly to the ears of the audience. There are several "standard" designs, most commonly used today include the "A" style or "F" style of Mandolins. But, there are numerous variations including those with banjo heads, rounded backs, and with various lengths and intonations from countries all over the world.

The Mandolin became a true USA/bluegrass staple after the "father of modern bluegrass" Bill Monroe introduced it as a lead instrument

Now that you have a taste of the mandolin's background try to get the opportunity to hear a truly unique player of this wonderful instrument. You won't believe your ears.

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